I love the opportunities that are now available with the internet as we now know it. Ten years ago, who would have thought that you could take music lesson from anywhere in the world!
In-person lessons are not possible for everyone, using Skype is a wonderful way to learn when you're too far from town, or find yourself in another part of the world for a time. It's amazing that even over Skype I can pick up on what my students are doing with their tongues, how they are using their bodies and other nuances of tone, and more! With the clarity of Skype images and sound, I can see the students hand position, posture and fingering.
Some "local" families choose a combination of in-person lessons and Skype.
It's important to put your computer or device at a level with your head-- prop with boxes as necessary.
The advantages for you:
1. Choose the teacher that you want/can afford.
2. Save money on gas.
3. Save driving time, and avoid driving in bad weather.
4. Get instant feedback.
5. Convenience of recording lessons using software such as: Pamela, MPS Skype Recorder, and others. Easily refer to your last lesson!
6. Immediate practicing. No drive time-- just get practicing!
7. Siblings don't have to wait.
8. Less off-task behaviors during lesson according to a 2010 study.
9. Eye contact/concentration can actually be better than in-person.
10. Increased student performance.
11. Learning environment issues can be diagnosed quickly.
12. Students don't need to cancel if they are on the edge of a cold, or just got over stomach flu.
While I encourage and love Skype learning, I do want prospective students to be aware that there are also some cons, and how I compensate for them.
1. No ability to work with hands. (more important for youngsters)
2. Dependent on internet connection/electricity.
3. Sound quality can be diminished, however I believe I'm still able to judge tone well.
4. No regular recitals. I encourage nursing home performances and special music at church. (I also provide my students with beautiful sacred arrangements by my composer/arranger husband, Anthony Evert.
5. No student/teacher duets. I can recommend material for you-- find a friend and jam.
6. No ability to point to students music. Bar numbers are usually sufficient to bring attention.
7. Music theory at the higher levels is more challenging to teach and correct via Skype. I highly encourage local solid piano instruction whenever possible.
If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch with me.